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The School Counselor's obligation to help All student's, including minority students can be daunting when viewed from the perspective of

the unique stressors and complexities of barriers confronting minority groups such as sexual minority groups. Proactive and effective counselors are intentional about gaining the trust of all students.However,gaining he trust of minority students can be initially difficult especially if stigma and negative stereotypes are in the way Students who identify a lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Queer and Questioning (LGBQQ / LGBT) may not trust to seek help from School Counselors they perceive as unlikely to " get it". As a result, they abstain from getting appropriate help but may get " help" from other sources, including from practitioners of unproven approaches such as Conversion Therapy.

Conversion therapy also known as reparative therapy endorse and promote the belief that homosexuals have mental disorders needing cure and change.Conversation therapy base its methods on this faulty assumption. According to the American Counseling Association, it is 'unacceptable to portray lesbians, gay and bisexuals as mentally ill due to their sexual orientation'. 


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